What is TA?

Technical assistance

Technical assistance (TA) is a tool that drives the achievement of Huruma’s goals, transforming invested entities to better serve their end-clients.

These projects focus on technical assistance, training and know-how transfer activities. The aim is to optimize an organization’s capacity to innovate or improve its activity. An essential element of capacity development is transformation, going beyond the completion of tasks to achieve institutional ownership of actions that translate into lasting change.

The projects are carried out on an individual and tailor-made basis for each entity. This allows them to align and complement the strategic aims of the entity with those of the Huruma Fund.

At the design stage of each TA project, specific indicators and targets are set and these are measured and managed throughout the implementation of the project. It also establishes certain commitments on the part of the entity so that the developments have continuity after implementation, thereby promoting the success and sustainability of the projects.

Fields of intervention

Agricultural readiness programs for financial institutions

Social performance and environmental risks management system

General business improvement

Agriculture value chain enhancement

Cross-cutting agri-projects

Knowledge-sharing platform

Complementarity between financial resources and knowledge transfer will contribute to maximizing the efficiency and impact of the Fund as a whole.

Technical assistance

Total budget of the projects: EUR 6.4 M.

ComponentsTotal EUR
FSPsAgricultural readiness programs for financial institutions1.500.000
Social performance and environmental risks management system600.000
General business improvement1.250.000
SMEsAgriculture value chain enhacement1.800.000
AllCross-cutting agri-projects1.000.000
Non-investeeKnowledge sharing platform247.692

Amount currently approved for TA projects: EUR 2.3 M.